Thursday, April 15, 2010

I feel a pull toward creativity and this is going to be my outlet. I am not what one would describe as poetic nor do I feel like a creative person! We shall see...

I have 4 babies ~ not so ~ they are no longer babies, although I long for this period again.
I would have another but it seems greedy and is probably too late anyway.

So I enjoy other women's babies and help them find their way in this world.

I was a baby myself when my oldest chose me some 24 years ago.
My handsome, intelligent knight in shining armour...
we grew up together, he & I.
He has helped me to become person that I am today.
Sometimes he is angry that he was the one that I had to learn on but someday when he is a father (I know he will be the most amazing father!) he will forgive me the mistakes that I have made.
He is at the precipice of his own life...difficult for me to see him go, yet I know that the bond will always remain.
The hardest part of letting go is knowing that you cease to be the centre of their universe.
My baby boy in a man's body is engaged to married! To the sweetest girl you could ever hope for your son to fall in love with.
They met when they were too young to know what love was...yet they knew and they have held on to this love for over 8 years.
Wow...married! Something I have never done...seems so foreign to me.

My 2nd son who chose our family is 20 and a seemingly typical middle child, unfocused & aimless!
Blond haired, blue eyed beautiful boy!
Dreams of being a rock star, yet does nothing to achieve this goal.
Waits for the knock on the door asking him to make a record!?!
This boy lives for the next party...the next drink...the next blunt.
He is the one that has broken my heart many, many times. Along with the countless number of girls that have fallen under his spell.

My girl, my precious beautiful gorgeous talented baby girl! She is 15 and all things that mother's wish their daughters to be...I thank the universe every day for this miraculous gift!
She is everything that I was not.
She loves school, does not fall prey to the lure of the 'cool' kids.
She is the complete opposite of me yet we are so similar.
Everything she does, she does well!

She also has a natural ability to make people feel better about themselves.
She is a scholar, an athlete, and a very talented singer/songwriter.

She is absolutely stunning to look at and has a beautiful spirit to match...

Last but not least the baby of our family...the smallest one that has been sent to bring us even closer together.
At 5 he is the comedian of our group...he will do almost anything to make us smile
He laughs harder, plays harder, and loves harder than any of the others...something that we were lacking and he somehow knew we needed.
He has the best qualities of each of the others...which if you knew the beauty of them you would understand how truly astonishing this baby boy is.
He has the heart of my first born...the charm of the second...the ability to love of the third ~ and something that is completely uniquely his own.

So as you can see these four people have made me who I am today and I think that is a pretty special person to be. I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination.

I am lucky to be their MAMA <3

Peace & Love

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