Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Seriously...does it get cuter than this?

While we were in the car driving to one of Blake's hockey games we started discussing our upcoming family birthday's, I mentioned that after mine is the baby Jesus' birthday. Blake thought about it for a couple of minutes and asked "who is baby Jesus?". When we didn't answer right away he again pipes up "I'm guessing it's ME!".

Now don't judge me because my son doesn't have the first clue about religion. I was adamant that I would raise my children to appreciate both perspectives regarding religion and evolution. When the boys were younger we read bible stories together and found them to be rather disturbing. To the point where Joshua then 5 or 6 yrs old asked me why GOD would kill people as he had in many of the stories (ie: Noah's Ark). I stopped reading and have given them the freedom to explore their spiritual side on their own.

For the record Blake does know who Baby Jesus is...we have the Fisher Price Nativity and he adores the baby Jesus!

This was just on of those P R I C E L E S S moments! :)

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