Friday, April 6, 2012


As most parents who have teenagers that are seniors know it's getting close to PROM ~ I'm using CAPS because unbeknownst to me this is a REALLY BIG DEAL! This is also a very tough, emotional time for our children...who am I kidding? This is a tough time for us, not only tough but really, really expensive ;-)

When my boys went to prom all we had to do was rent a tux, and find out what colour their girl was wearing and pick an appropriate colour of corsage and done!

It is a very different story when helping a girl prepare. I have dealt with the "OMG we have to get my dress NOW!" this was just after Christmas. I know that you all know PROM isn't until June. Then we had to find the 'perfect shoes', very sparkly high heels. When you are 5'10" how high can you go? I was under the misguided assumption that because we had the dress and shoes we just had to wait for the big day to have 'our' hair and makeup done. I thought that was it, but silly me, I forgot that you have to have the 'perfect' clutch, the 'perfect' limo and so many other things that I feel as if I'm planning a wedding. lol

The other morning my daughter's friend pulled up to our house to pick her up for school. On the outside of his car he had taped in great big orange (her favourite colour) cut out letters P R O M ? I thought I was going to cry...what a sweet guy! Most of her friend's have received there invite either verbally or via text message but this young man put some thought into his invite and really stunned us both. Although she says they are 'just friends' I'm not so sure ;-)

Chivalry is NOT dead.

Oh by the way, we have to find a new pair of 'perfect shoes' as her date is only an inch taller than her and she is once again freaking out.

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